71. AL-MOQADDIMO (The Forewarner) - The Expediter
= Recitation of this name is helpful in the battlefield
= If you recite this name of Allah abundantly at the time of war or during a righteous struggle in the path of Allah, Allah will give you courage to make advances and safeguard you from the enemy. If you recite this name of Allah at all times, you will be come obedient and submissive to Allah. Insha-Allah.
= Reciting this name 100 times helps to love only Allah
= Recitation of this Holy Name is very beneficial to obtain repeated bounties. If recited regularly a great deal the person will have luminous and resplendent heart.
= If you recite this name of Allah frequently, you will soon resort to genuine repentance. If you recite this name of Allah 100 times daily, you will become dear to and a favorite of Allah. Insha-Allah.
=Recitation of this name, 1000 times for 40 Fridays will help in getting a child.
= If recited this name before starting any job/work, it will be completed nicely with the blessings of Almighty God. If recited regularly a great deal people will be kind to the person, and will meet with departed and separated persons and reliatives in their dreams.
=If you desire male children, recite this name of Allah 40 times daily for 40 days, Allah will fulfill your desire. If any wayfarer recite this name of Allah 1000 times on a Friday, he will soon return to his people safe and sound. Insha-Allah.
= One who recites this name frequently will lead a good life and at the end of this life will have a good death.
= If recited regularly there will be everlasting sucess in all works taken in hand. The person will be loved by all and respected in all aspects of life.
= If you wish
- that the love for Allah gets firmly established in your heart or
- that the love of anything or anyone besides Allah be driven out of your heart or
- to compensate for all your sins
- to die in a state of Imaan
= One, who recites this name 15 times after Friday prayer, will get divine light in his heart.
= If recited a great number of times for knowing a secret object it will be very effective and will be known to the person in a dream or in any other way. If recited on antimony and used in eyes,the person will be loved by all.If recited after morning prayer daily the person will recive light and knowledge from Almighty God.
= If you recite this name of Allah 500 times daily after Ishraaq Salaah (prayer), Allah will cause your eyes and heart to be filled with Noor (light). Insha-Allah.
= One who recites this name three times in a day will be able to see the truth in things.
= If recited regularly the secrets of the person will not be known to others and the mysteries will be known to the reciter. Recitation of this name creates self purification.
= If you recite this name of Allah 33 times daily, you will soon begin to perceive the deeper secrets of Allah and a strong bond of love and affection will form between you and Allah. If you recite
(Huwal-Awwalu Wal-Aakhiru Wad-Dhaahiru Wal-Baatinu Wahuwa Alaa Kulli Shaiyyin Qadeer) continously after offering 2 rakaat Salaah, all your needs will be fulfilled. Insha-Allah.

= One who recites this name and breathes it into his house, his house will be free from danger.
= If this Holy Name is recited many times the person will have good progeny and may be bestowed with the kingdom or estate by Almighty Allah.
= If you recite this name of Allah repeatedly, Allah will safeguard you from all unexpected calamities. If this name of Allah is inscribed in a new earthen cup or jug and it is filled with water and the water is sprinkled in the house, the house will be safeguarded against all calamities. If you wish to subdue another person recite this name of Allah 11 times, Allah will fulfill your wish. Insha-Allah.
=One who recites this name frequently will gain the benevolence of Allah.
= If recited 551 times daily the person wil get rank in soverign if recited reglarly the person will become a dignified awe inspiring and commanding personality.
=If you recite this name of Allah continously, Allah will solve all your problems soon. If a woman recites this name of Allah abundantly during her menstruation, Allah will relieve her from all ailments. Insha-Allah.
= One who recites this name for his child, the child will be free from misfortune.
= This Holy Name should be regularly recited to gain inspiration to do good deeds, for removal of troubles and for the long life of children. Also it creates love of Almighty Allah. If recited 202 times on a child, the child will become fortunate and lucky one.
= If you are in the habit of taking intoxicants or committing adultery or indulging in any other evil, recite this name of Allah 7 times daily. Allah will guide you. If you recite this name of Allah excessively, Allah will expel the love of this world from your heart. If you recite this name of Allah 7 times and blow on your child soon after birth, Allah will grant your child protection from calamities until puberty. Insha-Allah.
= One who recites this name frequently, his repentance will be accepted.
= Its recitation is beneficial for being inspired for repentence as well as to remain free from the commitment of sins.If recited regularly the person will never be sorry.If recited a great deal,repentence will be accepted. If recited 11 times for a tyrant person,he/she will be saved from his tyrany.
= If you desire that Allah guide you to sincere repentance, recite this name of Allah 360 times daily after Salat-ud-Doha (Chast prayer), Allah will fulfill your desire. If you recite this name of Allah abundantly, all your tasks will be accomplished without any difficulty. If you recite this name of Allah 10 times in the presence of a tyrant, you will soon be freed from the opression of the tyrant. Insha-Allah.
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