= If there is any fear of imprisonment in any siuit case, this Holy Name may be recited and the person will be set free successfully in the case.
= If you are sick, recite this name of Allah repeatedly, your health will be restored. If you recite this name of Allah repeatedly and blow on a sick person, his health will be restored. If you recite this name of Allah 89 times and blow on yourself, Allah will safeguard you against all obstacles and bondages. Insha-Allah.
62. AL-MOMEETO (The Slayer) (The Ever Lasting) - The Giver of Death
= The recitation of this Holy Name is very useful for extravagant. If recited 490 times on an enchanted person, her will be cured. If it is recited regularly, the person will be protected from enchantment.
= If you have no control over yourself, place your hand on your bosom and recite this name of Allah continuously before falling asleep. Allah will give you the strength to control yourself. Insha-Allah.
63. AL-HAYYO (The Ever Lasting) - The Ever-Living
= If recited 18 times after every Wajib prayer, it will be effecitve for longevity, cure from sickness and cure from eye sore. If recited 58 times daily and innocent prisoner will be released. If recited regularly many times the person will pass away from this world with his faith intact. These two names are beneficial for this world and for the life hereafter.
= If you desire sound health recite this name of Allah 3000 times daily. If you are sick, write this name of Allah in a bowl with musk and rose water, then wash the inscription with water and drink it, Allah will soon cure you. Insha-Allah.
64. AL-QAYYOOMO (The Self Existing)
= If recited much the mind will be purified and if one gets''HAYYOOL QAYYOOM'' engraved on the stone of his/her ring he shall get eternal respect. If recited at the time of sleeping the person will make the person prosperous.If the holy Name of Qayoom is engravd on the ring, the person wearing it on his/her finger will become famous.
= If you recite this name of Allah continuously, you will attain honor and dignity amongst people. If you recite this name of Allah constantly in seclusion, you will become wealthy. If you continuously recite
(Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyoomu) after Fajr until sunrise, your laziness will vanish. Insha-Allah.

65. AL-WAJEDO (The All Percieving) - The Finder
= If recited regularly a great deal the person will have luminious and resplendant heart.
= If you recite this name of Allah continuously while having food, the food will become a source of strength, illumination and Noor (light) for your heart. Insha-Allah.
66. AL-MAAJIDO (The Glorified)
= One who recites this name will gain glory.
= If this name is recited in privacy with great deal regularly the person will become clean hearted and will have the light from heaven in his/heart. If this name is written with saffron and after washing with water is given to any one to drink it, love will be created in the heart of the person drinking it.
= If you recite this name of Allah in seclusion to such an extent and in such a manner that you become euphoric, the Noor (light) of Allah will soon become evident in your heart. Insha-Allah.
67. AL-WAHIDO (The One)
= One who recites this name alone and in a quiet place will be free from fear and delusion
= The repeated recitation of this Name is beneficial for love and in journeys. If recited on food and that food is eaten the person will get light in his/her heart.
= If you desire good and pious children, write this name of Allah and keep it with you all the time, Allah will fulfill your desire. Insha-Allah.
AL-AHADO (The Alone)
= If recited 1,000 times in solitude it will be felt that Angels are with the reciter. If recited 100 times it is useful for snake bite and the patient will be cured.
= Recitation of this name 1000 times opens certain secrets
68. AS-SAMADO (The Eternally Besought)
= If recited regularly one will be sustained properly by Almighty Allah and will never suffer starvation. If recited 7 times, stomach pain will be cured. If recited 134 times daily, the person will be care free from all and will have no need of anyone except Almighty Allah.
= If you place your head in Sajdah at the time of Sehri and recite this name of Allah 115 or 125 times, Allah will grant you spiritual and physical truthfulness. If you recite this name of Allah constantly in the state of Wudhu, Allah will soon make you independent of the entire creation. Insha-Allah.
= One who recites this name frequently will be helped in need
69. AL-QADIRO (Provodence)
= Recitation of this name helps in fulfilling one's desires
= If recited a great deal with ablution, the person will be succesful over his enemies, and it will also strengthen the heart of the person. If recited on the last Wednesday of munar month for lethat enemy, the enemy will be repulsed regular recitation of this Holy Name will the person dynamic.
= If you offer 2 rakaat Salaah (prayer) and recite this name of Allah 100 times, Allah will humble and disgrace your enemies (provided you are justified). If you recite this name of Allah 41 times before undertaking a difficult task, the difficulty will be removed. Insha-Allah.
70. AL-MUQTADIRO (The All Powerful)
= If recited 15 times daily in the morning on waking up, and without speaking to any body, the legitimate desire of the person will be fullfiled by Almighty. If recited many times daily the person will get the position on a martyr.
= Recitation of this name helps to know the truth.
= If you recite this name of Allah 20 times after waking up from sleep, Allah will ensure all your tasks are fulfilled efficiently. Insha-Allah.
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