/* Islam Learnings: Names of Allah: 81 - 90 */ Names of Allah: 81 - 90 | Islam Learnings


Friday, December 31, 2010

Names of Allah: 81 - 90

= One who recites this name frequently will be victorious against his enemies.

If the person is weak and cannot take revenge from the enemy the person may recite thsi Holy Name and blow towards the enemy. Almighty Allah will take revenge on behalf of the reciter, If recited this Holy Name for a number of times regulalry, the person will be saved from the sins miraculously, and will never be harmed by any of his/her enemies.
If you are justified and desire to take revenge against your enemy, but haven't the power to do so, recite this name of Allah continously for 3 Fridays, Allah Himself will take revenge on your behalf. Insha-Allah.

= One who recites this name frequently, his sins will be pardoned.

IFor removing of sins and achieving blessings of Almighty God this name is very effective. This name can be recited at any time and at any number, specially reciting this name 70 times after every Wajib prayer is very effective.

If you recite this name of Allah abundantly, Allah will forgive you. Insha-Allah.

83. AL-RAUFO (The Most Kind) - The Compassionate
=Recitation of this name gives the blessing of Allah.
If recited regularly a great deal, hard hearted person will become merciful. If recited for any tyrant person, the person will be dishonoured very soon particularly the following 3 names of Allah if recited for a tyrant will be very effective. 
Ya Haleemo, Ya Ra'oofo, Ya Mannano.
=If you desire that the entire creation become affectionate towards you (and vice-versa), recite this name of Allah repeatedly. If you desire that your anger be subdued, recite Darood 10 times and this name of Allah 10 times. If you recite Darood 10 times and this name of Allah 10 times and blow on an angry person, his anger will be subdued. Insha-Allah.
= One who recites this name will get esteem. 
If recited daily regularly a great deal the person will become carefree, independant and without any want. The person will be prosperous within a short period. It is recomended by many Ulema (learned Persons) that this name may be recited after every Wajib prayers and it is better if the Quranic Verse is recited.
If you recite this name of Allah constantly, Allah will grant you wealth, self-sufficiency and independence. Insha-Allah.

85. YA ZULJALALE WAL UKRAM (Posessor of Honor) - Majestic & Benevolent - The Lord of Majesty and Bounty
One who recites this name frequently will get good wealth.
It has been recomended by several Ulema that this Holy Name is (Isme Azam) the Great Name of Almighty God.If recited regularly a great deal, the person will be honoured by all.
If you recite this name of Allah constantly, Allah will grant you honor, dignity and self-sufficiency. Insha-Allah.

86. AL-MUQSITO - The Equitable - The Just
= One who recites this name will be free from the harm of the devil. 
If recited regularly after every Wajib prayer, there will be no temptations of the devil during Prayer (Namaz).
If you recite this name of Allah constantly, Allah will protect you from evil doubts created by the Shaytaan. If you recite this name of Allah 700 times for a purpose, Allah will fulfill it. Insha-Allah.
= One who recites this name will find lost things.

If recited 114 times lost thing will be recovered. If recited 11 times daily after Wajib prayer the person will have no calamities and worries.

If your family or relatives are scattered (due to war, earthquate, floods or other calamities), take bath at the time of Doha (Chast), lift your gaze toward the heavens and recite this name of Allah 10 times closing one finger each time, until all 10 fingers are closed. Afterwards pass your hands across your face as when completing Du'a. The disperse members of your family will soon come together. Insha-Allah.

=One who recites this name will be contented and not covetous. 
The benefits of this Holy Name are:- To obtain wealth one should recite it twelve thousand times in one sitting. To become rich and independant 2 types of A'mal are prescribed. (i) One should recite it ten thousand times per week for a period of 10 weeks and in the mean time he should refrain from delicious dishes. (ii) One should recite "Al-Ghani-ool Moghni'' 10,000 times on a friday for ten consecutive Fridays and in the mean time one should refrain from eating any form of meat. Regular recitation of this name makes the person prosperous. At time of copulation if recited, wife will love his husband.
=If you recite this name of Allah 70 times daily, Allah will grant you self-sufficiency and Barakah in your wealth. If you are afflicted with physical or spiritual sickness or any difficulty, recite this name of Allah abundantly and blow on your entire body. Allah will soon heal you and relieve you of your difficulty. Insha-Allah.
= One who recites this name 10 times for 10 Fridays will become self sufficient. 
If recited 1,000 times on Fridays without taking meat, milk, butter, Ghees, Eggs and fish in food, the person will become prosperous, Insha Allah. If recited at the time of copulation, wife will love her husband. It is recomended that this name may be recited 70 times after Wajib Prayer.
If you recite Darood 11 times, recite this name of Allah 1111 times, recite Darood again 11 times and then Surah Muzzammil (Surah 73) after Fajr or Isha Salaah (prayer) , you will be granted both material and spiritual wealth. Insha-Allah.

One who recites this name will have a good family life. 
If recited at the time of sleep a great number of times the debt of the person will be paid within due course. If recited for any particular legitimate desire 161 times after any Wajib Prayers the desire will be fullfiled by Almighty Allah.
If you have any disputes with your spouse, recite this name of Allah 20 times while lying down on the bed, the dispute will be settled and love and affection will result. If you recite this name of Allah constantly, Allah will safeguard you against all calamities. If you recite this name of Allah for any legitimate purpose, Allah will fulfill it. Insha-Allah.

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