The Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “Man should call upon Allah alone to provide for all his needs, so much so that even if a shoe-lace is broken, he should pray to Allah to provide a shoe-lace, and if he needs salt, he should beseech Allah to send it to him.” [Tirmidhi]
Prayer is the essence of worship and worship should be rendered to Allah alone. Do not call upon anyone except Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) to fulfill your needs.
Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) is intrinsically bountiful and generous while man is inherently stingy. Therefore, Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) likes us to ask Him for things, while people dislike to part with what is with them. So ask Allah for any and every thing and refrain from asking human beings. This will endear you to Him for He loves us to ask from Him. It will also keep you more honourable and respectable in the eyes of men for people hate to be asked of.
This hadith was sent to me by dailyhadith.adaptivesolutionsinc.com
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