/* Islam Learnings: Islamic way of drinking water */ Islamic way of drinking water | Islam Learnings


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Islamic way of drinking water

The other day when I was drinking water I did not sit and rather took a sip while standing. My friend saw me and pop came a comment from her saying why are you not following your Islamic way of drinking water? She then questioned me why do we drink water while sitting. 
This gave me a thought of sharing this on my blog.
We all are aware of the Islamic way of drinking water is as follows-
Pray “Bismillah” and drink with your right hand as the devil drinks and eats with the left hand.
To sit down and drink.
Drink by taking three separate sips not all at once.
Whilst drinking, suck the drink and do not make a noise.
Do not blow into any drink for cooling.
Say “Alhamdulillah” after drinking.
It is not permissible to throw away any left over drink. 
Always cover the water that is left in a glass, jug or pot
Let us now see what science has to say about this-
Science says that our body is made up of much water but it depends on the age and sex of the person, and also if they are hydrated or dehydrated. Generally, adults have around 60% body mass due to water. Males tend to have slightly more water, and females slightly less because they have more fat %. Newborn or young children have closer to 80% in their body mass but there are some principal that how should we drink water it is islamic but very interesting and protect our body from many diseases.

Procedure to drink water-
Take water in glass and sit somewhere and see under glass of water may be there is any kind of insect if there is so waste all water and wash the glass for new water.
Start to drink water sip by sip means that after a sip you will inhale the oxygen and exhale the carbon-dioxide, this protects you from germs.
Try to wind up water in three sips. If this is not possible then after three sips the remaining water should drink in a single sip. Because of this process water does not hit your stomach directly.
The sip by sip process relaxes your kidney as well.
The best advantage of sitting before drinking water is it provides us exercise and because of this we never face the pain in knee joints of legs.

According to the latest scientific research, drinking water in one gulp and whilst standing, leads toward its rapid absorption, hence it impairs normal functioning of kidneys, and causes general body edema, specially the edema of foot.

Drinking water immediately after meal, loosens the stomach muscles and can lead to the inflammation of mucous membrane of the stomach. It reduces the alkaline portion and increases the acidity.

The method of drinking water in intervals is very beneficial for quenching thirst. When the water enters the hot thirsty stomach in intervals, the last sip of water will quench the thirst left by earlier taken sips. Moreover, this method is better suited for temperature of the stomach, so as not to suddenly invade it with cold substances.

Source: http://haniya-123.hubpages.com/hub/how-should-we-drink-water-according-to-Islam-and-how-it-protect-our-body-according-too-science


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