/* Islam Learnings: Names of Allah: 1 - 10 */ Names of Allah: 1 - 10 | Islam Learnings


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Names of Allah: 1 - 10

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

Religious scholars have related that Allah has three thousand names. One thousand are only known by angels, 1000 known only by prophets, 300 are in the Torah (Old Testament), 300 are in Zabur (Psalms of David), 300 are in the New Testament, and 99 are in the Qur'an. And One Name which has been hidden by Allah is called Ism Allah al-azam: The Greatest Name of Allah.

I also read in an article.. that When adopting a particular name as Wazeefah (daily recital) add Yaa (Yaa) before the name and remove theal.png (Al). 
For example, Ar-Rahmaan (Ar-Rahmaan) must be recited as Wazeefah Example of Yaa-Rahmaanu (Yaa-RahmaanuIncorrect Wazeefah of Ar-Rahmaan (Yaa-Ar-Rahmaanu).


If you recite this name of Allah 1000 times daily, Allah will remove all doubts and uncertainties from your heart and instill determination and faith. Inshallah
To seek acceptance of prayers and fulfillment of legitimate desires, recite it 66 times after sunrise or at sunset or late hours of the night.

2) AR-REHMANO (YA-REHMANO) - The Compassionate; The Beneficent (Meherbaan)

If recited 100 times after every Salaah, Almighty Allah will be merciful to the individual and also he/she will regain memory and will be cured from forgetfulness (will get sharp memory). If it is recited regularly Allah will remove hard heartedness (will become merciful) and negligence from your heart. Inshallah

3) AR-RAHEEMO (YA-RAHEEMO) - The Merciful

= One who recites this name seven times will be under Allah's protection.
= If you recite this name of Allah 100 times daily after every Salaah (prayer), Allah will safeguard you against all calamities and maladies. Inshallah.
= If recited 100 times in a day, the person will become compassionate. If any one has got any difficult tast or the person will achieve the particular object for which recited:- YA Allaho, Ya Rahmano, Ya Raheemo: These above names of Almighty will be recited in such a way as if the person is calling Almighty Allah.
= If this name is recited 313 times the person will become free from all sorts of cares and desires.

4) AL-MALIKOO (YA-MALIKU) - The Sovereign Lord
= One who recites this name frequently will be respected and treated accordingly by others.
= 90 times daily - for contentment and independence.
= Everyday after Zawaal(the time of mid-day immediately before Duhr prayer), Allah will give you abundant wealth inshallah.

5) AL-QUDDUSO - The Sovereign Lord
= One who recites this name 100 times everyday will be free from anxiety.
= everyday abundantly, Allah will cure you of all spiritual sickness.
= 170 times on every Friday, will purify one of inner self and the person will become pious inshallah.

6) AS-SALAAMO - The Source of peace
= One who recited this name to a sick person will regain health. 
( Iam not to sure about how many times the name is to be recited. I somewhere read 100 times, 115 times and 160 times; However I believe that we can recite it abundantly with niyaah)
= If recited daily many times the person will become a learned one. Inshallah

7) AL-MOMINO - The Guardian of Faith
= One who recites this na,e will be free from any harm.
= If you recite tis name of Allah 630 times in times of fear, Allah will protect you from all calamities, mishaps and losses.
= If recited 136 times, the person will be saved from the wickedness of wicked persons and jinns and will be in the protection of Almighty Allah. It is also effective as a safeguard against any fear from any enemy or accident. Inshallah

8) AL-MOHIMINO - The Protector
= If recited 145 times daily the person will become pious, clear hearted and straight forward. It is also effective for rain. 
= If recited after every wajib prayers all difficulties will be solved by Almighty. 
= Should be recited 125 times for the purification of mind and body.
= For purification physically and spiritually.
= One who recites this name with complete ablution, their inner being will be luminous. Inshallah

9) AL-AZEEZO - The Mighty
= Recite this name 40 times after fajr prayers for 40 days to be independent from need from others; Allah will grant you honor and self-sufficiency.
= If recited 40 times every day the person will acquire great wealth.
= If recited 99 times it will be useful to gain the knowledge of alchemy*. Inshallah

* Alchemy
(n.) An imaginary art which aimed to transmute the baser metals into gold, to find the panacea, or universal remedy for diseases, etc. It led the way to modern chemistry.

(n.) A mixed metal composed mainly of brass, formerly used for various utensils; hence, a trumpet.

(n.) Miraculous power of transmuting something common into something precious.

10) AL-JABBARO - The Compellor 
= If recited 21 times daily, the person will be saved from tyranny*. (Absolute power, especially when exercised unjustly or cruelly)
= If recited 206 times in the morning and evening the person will not be harmed by any creature of Almighty. If recited regularly many times, the enemies of the person will be destroyed; Allah will safeguard you.
= Recitation of this name helps to prevent from violence, severity or hardness.

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